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  2. Record a Chain or Frame Replacement

Record a Chain or Frame Replacement

Replacing a Chain or Frame constitutes replacing multiple components. If you are changing a single component, see ‘Record a Pre-Inspection Event‘. Before you can replace a Chain or Frame, the replacement must exist in your inventory. For help managing your inventory see ‘Managing Chains and frames inventory‘. If you need to create a new Chain or Frame in the system see ‘Creating Chains and Frames

*NOTE* Before entering a Chain or Frame relacement, you will need the dateĀ and the equipment SMU when the replacement occured.

Navigate to Record Action:– My Equipment > Record Action

  1. Select the Equipment on which you wish to replace the Chain or Frame by selecting ‘CUSTOMER’, ‘JOBSITE’, ‘EQUIPMENT’ and ‘SIDE’
  2. Click ‘CHAIN’ or ‘FRAME’ based on what you are replacing, this will open the component action screen.
    *NOTE* The following example uses a Chain, but the process is the same for Frames.
  3. From the ‘ACTION TAKEN’ dropdown box, select ‘Replace From Inventory’
  4. In the ‘SELECT REPLACEMENT’ dropdown box, all the Chains (or Frames) you have in your inventory and fit this equipment, are displayed. Chose the one you are putting on this equipment.
  5. Adjust the ‘SMU’ to the figure recorded when the replacement was made.
  6. Select the date on which the replacement was performed.
  7. Add comments.
  8. Click ‘SAVE’ and you will get a save successful msg and be taken back to the ‘Equipment Selection’ screen with the current equipment still selected.
  9. If you are changing the Chain or Frame on both sides, select the other side and repeat from step 2.

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