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  4. GET – Flagging on Mobile and Web Portal
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  4. GET – Flagging on Mobile and Web Portal

GET – Flagging on Mobile and Web Portal

Creating Flags in the Inspection:

Flags are added during the inspection process on the Measurement Points screen.

  1. Tap on an Observation Point to add a flag to that point as clicking on that point will make u edit the pooint which will make you add a flag to that exct point Using the Flag Icon:
    • Locate the Flag Icon in the menu.
    • Click the Flag Icon to add a flag.
    • The Flag Icon will turn red to indicate an active flag.
    • If the Flag Icon is black, it means no flag is active, or the flag has been removed.
  2. Syncing Flags to the Web Portal:
    • After adding flags during the inspection, sync the inspection to ensure the flags are uploaded to the Web Portal.
    • Look for a successful sync confirmation to verify the process is complete.

Flagging on the Web Portal

Accessing Inspection Details:

Navigate to the Inspection Details Page for the implement or asset you are reviewing. To go there search for this implement on your GET Dashboard once found you will see flags added when doing a mobile inspection click on that flag to access the inspection details page

      Adding Flags:

        Locate the Flag Icon next to the Observation Point List.

        Click the Flag Icon to create a flag.

        Additional options will allow you to add images, comments, or any other necessary details to the flagged issue.

              Managing Flags:

              Clicking the Flag Icon toggles its status:

              Red Flag Icon: Indicates an active flag.

              Black Flag Icon: Indicates no active flag or a removed flag.

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