Undercarriage 5.12
Release Notes
Web Application
- When setting up components if there is only one option it is selected by default.
- Eval tool now visible on report.
- When setting up UC for equipment on the last step submit changes to done when selected.
- Job sites in Team Administration are now listed in alphabetical order.
- Normal impact limits saved to 3 decimal places.
- Customized observation list questions to be answered during inspection.
- Ability to add customer notes.
- Popup note explaining the Eval tool.
- Site code displayed in help menu.
- Limited ‘application’ choice during equipment set up.
- Ability to request a model to be added into the system.
- OEM part number descriptions.
- Ability to add frames into inventory.
- Grouser number and shoe size columns during UC setup.
- Rear idler setup in UC for Rope Shovels.
- Mouse over explanation for LTD.
- Create customized Rope shovel inspection.
- Improvements to navigation on the Help Center.
- 4 additional columns in the Manage Equipment page – Budget life, Projected Hours 100%– CMU + 100% worn, Projected Hours 120%– CMU + 120% worn and Difference– Projected hours 100% – budget life.
- Search by user on Find Inspection page.
- Jobsite defaulted when customer has only one job site.
- Dealer group that customer is linked to is displayed in Team administration.
- Search by dealership on Dashboard and Find Inspection page.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with contacts by customer that wasn’t populating the user drop down list.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t calculating remaining hours correctly.
- Monthly count for machine numbers now calculating correct.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t saving the child components on a Mining shovel when submit was hit more than once.
- Parent component id now saving against child components.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t consistent between database and PDF Report for hours remaining for 120% worn.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t sending the report if no name was entered for recipient.
- User measurement preferences now flowing through to Inspection page.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t updating previous inspections with new component ID after replacing.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t displaying images added to inspections completed on the Web App.
- Improvements to the serial numbers on reports.
- Fixed a bug that was incorrectly calculating the next Inspection date/SMU
- Mobile photos being stored but not visible when editing an Inspection.
- Fixed a bug that was deleting Inspection comments when you opened and re-saved them on the Web App.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t letting Dealer Admin give access to customers or job sites.
- Worst overall Eval code on Interpretation page flowing through.
- Fixed a bug that showed equipment status as ‘in use’ regardless if it was parked.
- Fixed a bug that would present you with a white canvas when you tried to draw on an image taken during inspection.
- Track rollers in correct order on Inspection page.
- Fixed a bug that was causing comments to lag on Interpretation page.
- Recommendations being picked up automatically now.
- Images are consistent on Inspection and Interpretation page.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t search customers unless dealer was selected.
- Location of input boxes consistent between Inspection and Interpretation page.
Mobile Application
- iOS app available.
- Save and discard buttons now visible on mobiles.
- Freeze buttons now showing on mobiles.
- Basic and Full Inspection for Rope Shovels.
- Workshop Repair Estimate email sent to selected users.
- Inspection Observation Checklist during mobile inspection.
Bug Fixes
- Parent component is now inactive on inspection page as no reading is recorded against the parent.
- Fixed a bug that was showing a link image for grouser height measurement.
- Fixed a bug that was showing the first upper roller as a parent component therefore not allowing a measurement to be entered.
- Fixed a bug that was using the wrong impact to calculate wear rate.
- Fixed a bug that was crashing the Workshop Repair Estimate App.
- Parent components excluded from Inspection status.
- Fixed a bug that was enabling inactive measurement points in the basis Rope shovel inspection.