Normal Ripping

Correct angle of ripper when ripping to load the undercarriage across complete lengthThe ripper has two modes: penetration and ripping.

Penetration: The ripper should be inserted into the ground at a rearward angle on insertion. When the ripping cylinders are fully retracted this is penetration mode. When the dozer then commences ripping, all the load will be placed on the front idler area of the undercarriage.

Ripping: As the machine moves forward the Operator will extend the ripper cylinders to fully extended, thus angling the ripper forward, thus engaging ripping mode, the loading on the undercarriage becomes more balanced across the front and rear idlers.

Ensure the ripper beam is parallel to the floor. This will then evenly distribute the load of the machine over the left and right rollers more evenly thus giving maximum tractional force.

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