Understanding User Permissions

User access in the TrackTreads system is separated into 2 parts, Access and Job Roles.
Access defines what equipment a user has access to and Job Roles define what a user can do with the equipment they have access to. The system allows for a variety of connections to allow for both broad and refined access

To allow for all possible real world scenarios, the Dealer->Customer->Jobsite relationship is not a standard hierarchy.
The jobsite and customer relationship is defined as each jobsite belongs to a customer.
For Dealers, an entire Customer can be linked to a dealer, thus giving Dealer level users access to all equipment at any jobsite owned by the customer. Alternatively a Dealer can be linked to a single jobsite and only have access to equipment at that site. This allows for Customers who have Jobsites in various regions and thus have different Dealers looking after each jobsite.

This same approach is taken when granting user access. A user can be linked to a Dealer, a Customer or a jobsite or any combination of the 3. A single user could be given Dealer access which allows them to see all equipment on all jobsites for multiple Customers, and also have Customer access for a Customer under a different Dealer and then also be given access to a single Jobsite owned by a Customer managed by a third Dealer. This is a very complicated example, but it shows how flexible the system can be.


Defines what jobsites, customers, dealers, and dealer groups the user has access to. In the details below, the ability to create users etc is limited to what Job Role the user has.

Support Team

TrackTreads Staff, can see everything

Dealer Group

Can see the users and equipment of all dealers, customers, and jobsites within the dealer group.
Administrators can create new dealers, customers, jobsites and users.


Can see the users in their dealer, and all the equipment in customers and/or jobsites they have been connected to.
Administrators can create new customers and users.


Can see all users in their customer, and all users and equipment at jobsites which belong that customer.
Administrators can create new users and jobsites.


Can see all equipment and users at that jobsite.
Administrators can create new users

Job Roles:

Super User/Admin

TrackTreads Staff and dealer group admins on single tenancy sites. Super users have the ability to manage all administrative functions, including the creation of new component types and ability to edit wear limits, etc.


Can access the admin area which allows them to setup customers, users, jobsites, dealers, (if their access level allows them to)


Can record and edit inspections, download the mobile app. User needs this role to do an inspection.


Can interpret inspections. User needs this role to interpret an inspection.

Default Group

Can view inspection details, setup equipment, view dashboard, record actions, and view equipment history. Every user above the Read Only level should be given this role.

Read Only – Still being implemented

Read only users can view the equipment they have access to too and download PDF condition reports

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